Annnnnd... here we are in August! It’s been a little while since I’ve shared a “life” post because we’ve had a jam packed summer... This summer we purposely decided to "staycation" instead of … [Read more...]
Summer Bucket List 2018
Be sure to sign up so you don't miss a thing! Our Summer Bucket List has become one of my favorite things to write. We're a family that loves the heat and sunshine, plus this summer the kids are … [Read more...]

Visit Brooklyn Bridge Park
Today I'm so excited to begin a new series on the Party of Five Blog! The Party of Five Life series is a snapshot of what's going on in our world. There are so many things I want to share with … [Read more...]

Three Two Year Olds…
Nope, they are not triplets. Yes, they are all two years old. No, we didn't plan it like this (plus. that's kind of personal, geez)! Yes, they are all from my husband and I (and mind your own … [Read more...]
Family Day at Green Meadows Farm
This year we will make our annual trip to Green Meadows Farm. The urban farm draws families from all parts of New York City plus Long Island. Keep reading as I share why it's one of the best fall … [Read more...]
Top Things to do in St. Petersburg/Clearwater, Florida
Our family vacation to the St. Petersburg/Clearwater area was fantastic and I can't recommend it enough as a place to travel with toddlers. The beaches are gorgeous and the vibe is laid back. There's … [Read more...]