Annnnnd… here we are in August! It’s been a little while since I’ve shared a “life” post because we’ve had a jam packed summer…
This summer we purposely decided to “staycation” instead of “vacation”. Last year we took two significant trips to Clearwater, Florida and Central America and y’all, two airplane trips with three toddlers was DRAINING. New York is utterly and completely amazing in the summer, so we have been enjoying our beaches and parks to the fullest. What more do you need than kids, sun, and sand?
Lovin’ the Beach
We started in June with a visit from Grandpa. We were blessed with perfect weather and spent most of it outdoors! We visited Montauk and Point Lookout- two of my favorite beachy spots. Grandpa is teaching these kiddos to love the ocean, so we spent hours hanging out at the beach. I guess it worked because they “hug” the beach before we leave it (see picture below) and don’t even try to imagine what that means for trying to get the sand off of them. When we leave three voices shout, goodbye beach, I love you. So, it seems we’ve done a good job sharing our love of the ocean. Since then we’ve been alternating between playing in the sprinkler and grilling everything for dinner, it’s been a great combo:-)
Tea Party Princesses
My sister-in-law, Martha hosted the most perfect pink tea party for all of her nieces and I can’t say enough about how sweet and perfect it was for the girls. Loads of pink, real tea cups, and even a teacup craft made for the cutest day ever.
The entire month of July was about getting things done. First, we moved. What? Well, not exactly, but we changed all three kids to twin beds and moved them to a large upstairs room. I’m a little sad to know that there’s not anymore cribs or toddler beds in our little casa, and that means my babies are growing up!
Movin’ On Up
My pinterest life has been VERY busy as I look for room ideas for triplets and boy/girl shared rooms, lol. (If you’re new here they are not triplets, they are twins plus a baby but they are eleven months apart). For now, at three and two years old they LOVE sharing a room and nothing makes my heart happier than hearing their muffled giggles as they wake up in the morning.
A Triplet Room
As for the kids, well, you can just tell they feel GROWN when they need to “run upstairs” for something. Logistically, we’re still shopping for room furniture that doesn’t feel stuffy- three of any kind of twin bed frame just has a way of looking like an orphanage (sorry, but it’s true). I can’t wait to share some progress pictures when we get it together. Love to hear your ideas for themes for boy/girl rooms- mermaids and boats? princesses and knights? If you have done this, please tell me how you did it!
As for growing up, the twins went off to a little summer camp a few days each week in July and I wanted to tell you they cried their eyes out because they missed me, but nope. They went off with their backpacks for half days of school and only cried the first day. It was such a great experience for them and they loved their teachers at St. John’s. This was also good practice for us because we will now begin looking for pre-school for 2019 – kind of a nightmare to find the right one in our area- anyone in the same boat right now?
Grandma and Grandpa from Houston are here with us for a long visit so I have been getting all the kid’s appointments and a million odds and ends taken care of- seriously tons of things. Hubby and I even had a romantic date to the dentist and a few lunches and dinners out together.
We celebrated our FIVE year wedding anniversary with a day out in Manhattan and it was total bliss;-) We were at a spot we love, Despana in Manhattan.

Summer has been spectacular and it’s most certainly not over, yet! This week I’m heading into the city to attend a two day bloggers/writers conference. It’s a pretty big deal and I am super excited- stay tuned next week for a recap!
I hope you’re enjoying your last weeks of summer!
Did you staycation or vacation this summer?
Are you interested in reading more about Long Island travel? Check out these awesome posts!
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